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AbbevilleAbbeville Cty Voc Center(864) 459-9069

AbbevilleAbbeville High School(864) 459-5916

AbbevilleWright Middle School(864) 459-5998

AikenAiken High/Aiken High Annex(803) 641-2500

AikenAiken Middle School(803) 641-2570

AikenLloyd-Kennedy Charter School(803) 644-4824

AikenMinnie B Kennedy Middle School(803) 641-2470

AikenSchofield Middle School(803) 641-2770

AikenSilver Bluff High(803) 652-8100

AikenSouth Aiken High School(803) 641-2600

AndersonLakeside Middle School(864) 260-5135

AndersonMccants Middle School(864) 260-5145

AndersonSouthwood Middle School(864) 260-5205

AndersonT L Hanna High School(864) 260-5110

AndersonWestside High School(864) 260-5230

AndrewsAndrews High School(843) 264-3414

AndrewsRosemary Middle(843) 264-3404

AnninThe Phoenix Center(803) 505-6800

AynorAynor High School(843) 358-6262

BambergBamberg Ehrhardt High(803) 245-3030

BambergBamberg-Ehrhardt Middle School(803) 245-3058

BambergRichard Carroll Elementary(803) 245-3047

BarnwellBarnwell High School(803) 541-1390

BarnwellGuinyard-Butler Middle School(803) 541-1370

BatesburgBatesburg Leesville Mid(803) 532-3831

BatesburgBatesburg-Leesville High(803) 532-9251

BathLangley Bath Clearwater Middle(803) 593-7260

BeaufortBattery Creek High School(843) 525-4220

BeaufortBeaufort High(843) 525-4241

BeaufortBeaufort Middle School(843) 322-5700

BeaufortLady`S Island Middle School(843) 525-4264

BeltonBelton Elementary(864) 338-7738

BeltonBelton Middle School(864) 338-6595

BennettsvilleBennettsville Middle(843) 479-5941

BennettsvilleEvans Correctional Institute(843) 479-4181

BennettsvilleMarlboro County High School(843) 479-5900

BishopvilleBishopville Intermediate(803) 484-5386

BishopvilleLee Central High(803) 428-4010

BishopvilleLee Correctional Institute(803) 896-2403

BishopvilleLee County Career/Tech Center(803) 484-5337

BlacksburgBlacksburg High School(864) 839-6371

BlacksburgBlacksburg Middle School(864) 839-6476

BlackvilleBarnwell Co Avc(803) 259-5512

BlackvilleBlackville Hilda Jr. High Scho(803) 284-3160

BlackvilleBlackville-Hilda High School(803) 284-2280

BlythewoodBlythewood Middle School(803) 691-6850

Boiling SprgsBoiling Springs Middle(864) 578-2884

Boiling SpringsBoiling Springs High School(864) 578-8465

BranchvilleBranchville High School(803) 274-8875

BurtonRobert Smalls Middle(843) 525-4250

BurtonWhale Branch Middle(843) 846-5920

Calhoun FallsCalhoun Falls High School(864) 447-8014

CamdenApplied Tech Ed Campus(803) 425-8982

CamdenCamden High School(803) 425-8930

CamdenCamden Middle School(803) 432-4124

CayceBrookland Cayce High School(803) 791-5000

CayceCyril B Busbee Middle School(803) 739-4070

CentenaryCreek Bridge Middle(843) 362-0011

CentralD W Daniel High School(864) 654-2362

CentralR C Edwards Middle School(864) 654-1400

ChapinChapin High School(803) 345-2246

ChapinChapin Middle School(803) 345-1466




CharlestonAlice Birney Middle School(843) 764-2215

CharlestonBurke High(843) 724-7784

CharlestonCe Williams Middle(843) 763-1529

CharlestonDrayton Hall Middle(843) 763-1541

CharlestonJames Island High(843) 762-2754

CharlestonJames Island Middle School(843) 762-2784

CharlestonM R Rivers Middle(843) 724-7789

CharlestonWest Ashley High(843) 573-1201

CharlestonWest Ashley Intermediate(843) 763-1533

CharlestonWest Ashley Middle(843) 763-1546

Charleston HgtsBrentwood Middle School(843) 745-7094

CherawCheraw High School(843) 537-7851

CherawLong Junior High School(843) 537-5488

ChesneeChesnee High School(864) 461-7318

ChesneeChesnee Middle(864) 461-3900

ChesterChester County Career Center(803) 377-1991

ChesterChester Middle School(803) 377-8192

ChesterChester Senior High School(803) 377-3161

ChesterfieldChesterfield High School(843) 623-2161

ChesterfieldChesterfield Middle School(843) 623-2465

ClintonBell Street Middle School(864) 833-0807

ClintonClinton High School(864) 833-0817

ClintonMartha Dendy School(864) 833-0831

ClioMarlboro Co. Schl Of Discover(843) 586-8376

CloverClover High(803) 222-4591

CloverClover Junior High School(803) 222-4521

CloverClover Middle School(803) 222-9503

ColumbiaA C Flora High(803) 738-7300

ColumbiaAlcorn Middle School(803) 735-3439

ColumbiaBroad River Correctional Inst.(803) 737-2853

ColumbiaC A Johnson High(803) 253-7092

ColumbiaColumbia High School(803) 798-1750

ColumbiaCrayton Middle School(803) 738-7224

ColumbiaCross Roads Middle(803) 732-8300

ColumbiaDent Middle School(803) 699-2750

ColumbiaDreher High School(803) 253-7000

ColumbiaEau Claire High School(803) 735-7605

ColumbiaEducational Assessment Center(803) 737-9111

ColumbiaHand Middle School(803) 343-2947

ColumbiaHeyward Gibbes Middle(803) 343-2942

ColumbiaIrmo High School(803) 732-8100

ColumbiaIrmo Middle(803) 732-8200

ColumbiaMorris Village(803) 737-7743

ColumbiaRichland Northeast High School(803) 699-2800

ColumbiaRidge View High School(803) 699-2999

ColumbiaSamuel A. Heyward Career/Tec.(803) 735-3325

ColumbiaSpring Valley High School(803) 699-3500

ColumbiaSt Andrews Middle School(803) 731-8910

ColumbiaStevenson Correctional(803) 896-8575

ColumbiaW A Perry Middle School(803) 256-6347

ColumbiaW J Keenan High School(803) 738-7232

ColumbiaW. G. Sanders Middle School(803) 735-3445

ColumbiaWomen`S Correctional Center(803) 737-9695

ConwayAynor Conway Career Center(843) 365-5534

ConwayConway High School(843) 248-6321

ConwayConway Middle(843) 248-2279

ConwayWhittemore Park Middle(843) 248-2233

CopeCope Area Career Center(803) 534-7661

CordovaCarver-Edisto Middle School(803) 534-3554

CordovaEdisto High School(803) 536-1553

CowpensCowpens Middle School(864) 463-3310

CreshamCreek Bridge High(843) 362-3500

CrossCross High School(843) 753-2121

DalzellHillcrest Middle School(803) 499-3341

DarlingtonBrockington Elementary School(843) 398-5095

DarlingtonBrunson-Dargan Elementary(843) 398-5120

DarlingtonDarlington High School(843) 398-5140

DarlingtonDarlington Jr. High School(843) 398-5088

DarlingtonMayo High (M.S.T.)(843) 398-5050

DenmarkDenmark Olar High School(803) 793-3307

DenmarkDenmark-Olar Middle School(803) 793-3383

DillonDillon County Applied Tech Ctr(843) 774-5143

DillonDillon High School(843) 774-1230

DillonGordon Elementary(843) 774-1227

DillonJv Martin Jr High(843) 774-1212

DorchesterDorchester Co Career School(843) 563-2123

DorchesterWoodland High School(843) 563-5956

Due WestDixie High School(864) 379-2186

DuncanBeech Springs Intermediate(864) 949-7600

DuncanBerry Shoals Intermediate(864) 949-2300

DuncanD R Hill Middle School(864) 949-2370

DuncanJames F Byrnes High School(864) 949-2355

EasleyB J Skelton Career Center(864) 859-4064

EasleyDacusville Middle School(864) 859-7429

EasleyEasley High School(864) 855-8180

EasleyRichard H. Gettys Middle(864) 855-8170

ElliottMount Pleasant Middle School(803) 428-3610

ElloreeElloree High School(803) 897-2232

EnoreeTyger River Correctional Inst(864) 596-1600

EstillEstill High School(803) 625-3291

EstillEstill Middle School(803) 625-2658

FairfaxAllendale Correctional Inst.(803) 734-0653

FairfaxAllendale/Fairfax Middle(803) 584-3489

FairfaxAllendale-Fairfax High School(803) 584-2311

FlorenceChoices School(843) 664-8993

FlorenceFlorence Career Center(843) 664-8465

FlorenceHenry L. Sneed Middle School(843) 673-1199

FlorenceMoore Intermediate School(843) 664-8171

FlorenceSouth Florence High(843) 664-8190

FlorenceSouthside Middle(843) 664-8467

FlorenceWest Florence High School(843) 664-8472

FlorenceWilliams Middle School(843) 664-8162

FlorenceWilson High School(843) 664-8440

Fort MillFort Mill High(803) 548-1900

Fort MillGold Hill Middle(803) 548-8300

Fort MillIndian Land High School(803) 547-7571

GaffneyCherokee Vocational Center(864) 489-3191

GaffneyGaffney Middle School(864) 902-3630

GaffneyGaffney Senior High(864) 489-2544

GaffneyGranard Middle School(864) 489-6833

GaffneyJohn E. Ewing Middle School(864) 489-3176

GastonSandhills Middle(803) 568-3351

GeorgetownGeorgetown High School(843) 546-8516

GeorgetownJ B Beck Middle School(843) 527-4495

GilbertGilbert High School(803) 892-2166

GilbertGilbert Middle School(803) 892-6210

Goose CreekGoose Creek High School(843) 553-5300

Goose CreekMarrington Middle School(843) 572-0313

Goose CreekSedgefield Middle School(843) 797-2620

Goose CreekStratford High(843) 553-4581

Goose CreekWestview Middle School(843) 572-1700

GranitevilleLeavelle Mccampbell Middle(803) 663-4300

Gray CourtGray Court-Owings Elementary(864) 876-2171

Gray CourtHickory Tavern Middle(864) 575-4301

Great FallsGreat Falls High School(803) 482-2210

Great FallsGreat Falls Middle(803) 482-3434

GreeleyvilleC E Murray High School(843) 426-2121

Green SeaGreen Sea Floyds High(843) 392-3131

GreenvilleBeck Academy Of Language(864) 527-4495

GreenvilleBerea High School(864) 294-4200

GreenvilleBerea Middle School(864) 294-4323

GreenvilleCarolina High School(864) 295-5185

GreenvilleDonaldson Vocational Center(864) 299-8414

GreenvilleEnoree Area Vocational Center(864) 294-4343

GreenvilleGolden Strip Career Center(864) 281-1244

GreenvilleGreenville High School(864) 241-3220

GreenvilleGreenville Middle(864) 241-3360

GreenvilleGreenville Technical Charter(864) 250-8844

GreenvilleHughes Middle School(864) 299-8363

GreenvilleJ L Mann High School(864) 281-1150

GreenvilleLakeview Middle School(864) 294-4353

GreenvilleLeague Middle School(864) 292-7688

GreenvilleParker Middle School(864) 241-3285

GreenvillePowdersville Middle(864) 269-1821

GreenvilleSouthside High School(864) 299-8393

GreenvilleTanglewood Middle School(864) 295-5165

GreenvilleWade Hampton High School(864) 292-7587

GreenwoodBrewer Middle School(864) 223-4717

GreenwoodEmerald High School(864) 223-1566

GreenwoodGreenwood Cty Career Ctr.(864) 229-5402

GreenwoodGreenwood High School(864) 229-2528

GreenwoodLeath Correctional Center(864) 896-1040

GreenwoodNorthside Middle School(864) 229-3519

GreenwoodSouthside Middle School(864) 227-6711

GreerBlue Ridge High School(864) 895-0130

GreerBlue Ridge Middle(864) 895-0123

GreerGreer High School(864) 848-2363

GreerGreer Middle School(864) 848-2350

GreerRiverside High School(864) 848-2323

GreerRiverside Middle School(864) 848-2465

GreevilleSevier Middle School(864) 292-7578

GreshamCreek Bridge High(843) 362-3500

HanahanHanahan High(843) 820-3710

HanahanHanahan Middle School(843) 820-3800

HartsvilleHartsville High School(843) 383-3131

HartsvilleHartsville Jr High School(843) 383-3121

HartsvilleWest Hartsville Elementary(843) 383-3144

HemingwayChavis Middle(843) 558-5605

HemingwayHemingway High School(843) 558-9413

HemingwayHemingway Vocational Center(843) 354-5571

HemmingwayCarvers Bay High School(843) 545-5837

HemmingwayCarvers Bay Middle(843) 545-0918

Hilton HeadH. E. Mccracken Middle School(843) 757-6200

Hilton HeadHilton Head High School(843) 689-7550

Hilton HeadHilton Head Middle School(843) 689-7600

Holly HillHolly Hill Middle School(803) 496-5525

Holly HillHolly Hill-Roberts High(803) 496-3818

Honea PathBelton Honea Path High(864) 369-7382

Honea PathHonea Path Middle School(864) 369-7641

HopkinsHopkins Middle School(803) 695-3331

HopkinsLower Richland High School(803) 695-3000

HopkinsSoutheast Middle School(803) 695-5700

HugerCainhoy Middle School(843) 899-8963

InmanChapman High School(864) 472-2836

InmanH B Swofford Avc(864) 592-2790

InmanT E Mabry Jr High School(864) 472-8402

IrmoDutch Fork High(803) 732-8050

IrmoDutch Fork Middle School(803) 732-8167

IvaCrescent High School(864) 352-6175

JacksonJackson Middle School(803) 279-3525



James IslandFt Johnson Middle(843) 762-2740

John`S IslandSt John`S High(843) 559-6400

Johns IslandHaut Gap Middle(843) 559-6418

JohnsonvilleJohnsonville High(843) 386-2707

JohnsonvilleJohnsonville Middle School(843) 386-2066

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JohnstonJ.E.T. Middle School(803) 275-1997

JohnstonStrom Thurmond Career Ctr.(803) 275-1767

JohnstonStrom Thurmond High School(803) 275-1768

JonesvilleJonesville High School(864) 474-5272

KershawAndrew Jackson High School(803) 475-2381

KershawAndrew Jackson Middle School(803) 475-6021

KershawKershaw Correctional(803) 896-3300

KershawNorth Central High School(803) 432-9858

KershawNorth Central Middle(803) 424-2470

KingstreeKingstree Elementary(843) 354-7233

KingstreeKingstree Junior High(843) 354-6823

KingstreeKingstree Senior High(843) 354-6525

KingstreetYouth Academy(843) 354-5424

LadsonCollege Park Middle School(843) 553-8300

LadsonOakbrook Middle School(843) 873-9750

Lake CityJ. Paul Truluck Elementary(843) 394-8685

Lake CityLake City High School(843) 394-3321

Lake CityRonald E Mcnair Jr High(843) 394-8651

Lake ViewLake View High School(843) 759-3009

Lake ViewLake View Middle(843) 759-3005

LamarLamar High School(843) 326-5543

LamarSpaulding Elementary School(843) 326-5347

LamarSpaulding Jr High(843) 326-5335

LancasterBarr Street Middle(803) 285-1531

LancasterBuford High School(803) 286-7068

LancasterBuford Middle School(803) 283-3967

LancasterLancaster A V C(803) 285-7404

LancasterLancaster High School(803) 283-2001

LancasterSouth Middle School(803) 283-8416

LandrumLandrum High School(864) 457-2606

LandrumLandrum Jr. High School(864) 457-2629

LangleyAiken County Career & Tec. Ctr(803) 593-3908

LangleyMidland Valley High School(803) 593-7100

LattaLatta High School(843) 752-5751

LattaLatta Middle(843) 752-7117

LaurensLaurens District 55 Hi(864) 682-3151

LaurensLaurens Jr High School(864) 984-2400

LaurensSanders Elementary(864) 984-0354

LexingtonLexington Applied Tech Ctr(803) 359-4151

LexingtonLexington High School(803) 359-5565

LexingtonLexington Intermediate School(803) 359-5128

LexingtonLexington Middle School(803) 359-6169

LexingtonWhite Knoll High School(803) 996-4500

LibertyLiberty High School(864) 843-9224

LibertyLiberty Middle School(864) 843-1238

Little RiverNorth Myrtle Beach High School(843) 399-6171

Little RiverNorth Myrtle Beach Middle Scho(843) 399-6136

LorisFinklea Career Center(843) 756-0061

LorisLoris High(843) 756-4041

LorisLoris Middle School(843) 756-2181

LugoffLugoff Elgin High School(803) 438-3481

LugoffLugoff Elgin Middle(803) 438-3591

LugoffWateree Elementary(803) 438-8018

LynchburgFleming Intermediate(803) 437-2128

ManningF E Dubose Voc Ctr(843) 473-2531

ManningManning Elementary(803) 435-5066

ManningManning High School(803) 435-4417

ManningManning Jr. High School(803) 435-8195

MarionJohnakin Middle(843) 423-8360

MarionMarion High School(843) 423-2571

MauldinMauldin High School(864) 281-1200

McbeeMcbee High School(843) 335-8251

McclellanvilleLincoln High School(843) 887-3244

McclelleanvilleMcclellanville Middle(843) 577-0325

MccormickMccormick Correctional Inst.(864) 443-2114

MccormickMccormick High School(864) 465-2253

MccormickMccormick Middle School(864) 465-2243

Moncks CornerBerkeley High School(843) 761-8123

Moncks CornerBerkeley Middle School(843) 761-8152

Moncks CornerMacedonia Middle School(843) 565-3217

MonettaRidge-Spring Monetta High Scho(803) 685-7274

MooreR D Anderson Vocational Center(864) 576-5020

MooreR P Dawkins Middle(864) 576-8088

Mount PleasantThomas C. Cario Middle School(843) 856-4595

Mt PleasantLaing Middle School(843) 849-2809

Mt PleasantMoultrie Middle School(843) 849-2819

Mt PleasantWando High School(843) 849-2830

MullinsMarion Cty. Tech. Ed. Ctr.(843) 423-1941

MullinsMullins High School(843) 464-3710

MullinsPalmetto Elementary(843) 464-3740

MullinsPalmetto School(843) 464-3730

Myrtle BeachAcademy For Arts Science & Tec(843) 449-3349

Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest High School(843) 236-2997

Myrtle BeachCarolina Forest Middle(843) 236-7997

Myrtle BeachForestbrook Middle School(843) 236-7300

Myrtle BeachMyrtle Beach High School(843) 448-7140

Myrtle BeachMyrtle Beach Intermediate Scho(843) 626-5831

Myrtle BeachMyrtle Beach Middle School(843) 448-3932

Myrtle BeachSocastee High School(843) 293-2513

Myrtle BeachSt. James Middle School(843) 650-5543

N AugustaNorth Augusta Middle(803) 442-6200

N. Charleston2Rman C Toole Military Magnet(843) 745-7102

N. CharlestonFort Dorchester High(843) 760-4450

NeesesHunter-Kinard-Tyler High Schoo(803) 263-4832

New EllentonNew Ellenton Middle School(803) 652-8200

NewberryGallman Elementary School(803) 321-2655

NewberryNewberry High School(803) 321-2621

NewberryNewberry Middle School(803) 321-2640

NewberryNewberry Voc Center(803) 321-2674

Ninety SixEdgewood Middle School(864) 543-3511

No CharlestonMorningside Middle School(843) 745-7122

No. Charleston2Rth Charleston High School(843) 745-7140

No. CharlestonAcademic Magnet High School(843) 724-7290

No. CharlestonGarrett Academy(843) 745-7126

No. CharlestonR B Stall High School(843) 764-2200

North AugustaMerriwether Middle School(803) 279-2511

North AugustaNorth Augusta High School(803) 442-6100

North AugustaPaul Knox Middle(803) 442-6300

OrangeburgBrookdale Middle School(803) 534-9652

OrangeburgOrangeburg District 5 Tec. Ctr(803) 536-4473

OrangeburgOrngb Wilkinson Sr Hi(803) 534-6180

OrangeburgRobert E Howard Middle(803) 534-5470

OrangeburgWilliam J. Clark Middle(803) 531-2200

PacoletPacolet Middle School(864) 494-4080

PagelandCentral High School(843) 672-6115

PagelandPageland Middle School(843) 672-2400

PamplicoHannah-Pamplico High School(843) 493-5781

Pawleys IslandWaccamaw High School(843) 237-9899

Pawleys IslandWaccamaw Middle School(843) 237-0106

PelionPelion High School(803) 894-3377

PelionPelion Middle(803) 894-2050

PendletonPendleton High School(864) 646-8040

PendletonRiverside Middle School(864) 646-8020

PickensPickens Middle School(864) 878-8735

PickensPickens Sr High(864) 878-8730

PiedmontWoodmont High School(864) 299-8300

PiedmontWoodmont Middle(864) 299-8373

PiedmontWren High School(864) 232-4842

PiedmontWren Middle School(864) 859-1288

ProsperityMid Carolina Middle(803) 364-3634

ProsperityMid-Carolina High School(803) 364-2134

RembertWateree River Correctional Ins(803) 432-6191

RichburgLewisville High School(803) 789-5131

RichburgLewisville Middle(803) 789-5858

RidgelandBeaufort-Jasper Career Ctr(843) 726-8107

RidgelandJasper County High School(843) 726-7230

RidgelandRidgeland Correctional(803) 896-3200

RidgelandRidgeland Middle(843) 726-7250

RidgevilleMac Dougall Youth Corr. Ctr.(803) 737-3036

Rock HillApplied Technology Center(803) 981-1100

Rock HillCastle Heights Middle(803) 324-3165

Rock HillNorthwestern High School(803) 328-6118

Rock HillRawlinson Road Middle(803) 328-2451

Rock HillRock Hill High School(803) 981-1300

Rock HillSaluda Trail Middle School(803) 981-1000

Rock HillSullivan Middle School(803) 366-8181

RoebuckL E Gable Middle(864) 576-3500

RuffinRuffin Middle School(843) 562-2291 W

SalemTamassee Salem High(864) 944-0444

SalemTamassee-Salem Middle(864) 944-0444

SaludaRiverside Middle School(864) 445-7012

SaludaSaluda High School(864) 445-2564

SenecaFred P. Hamilton Career Ctr(864) 885-5011

SenecaSeneca Middle School(864) 885-5016

SenecaSeneca Senior High School(864) 585-5000

SimpsonvilleBryson Middle School(864) 967-1836

SimpsonvilleHillcrest High School(864) 967-1811

SimpsonvilleHillcrest Middle School(864) 967-1826

SimpsonvilleMauldin Middle School(864) 213-1132

SmoaksSmoaks Middle School(843) 562-2221

SpartanburgBoiling Springs Junior High(864) 578-5954

SpartanburgBroome High School(864) 579-8040

SpartanburgCarver Jr High School(864) 594-4435

SpartanburgDaniel Morgan Voc(864) 579-2810

SpartanburgDorman High(864) 576-4202

SpartanburgFairforest Middle School(864) 576-1270

SpartanburgJ. G. Mccracken Jr. High(864) 594-4457

SpartanburgMyles W Whitlock Jr High(864) 594-4482

SpartanburgSpartanburg High School(864) 594-4410

St MatthewsCalhoun County High School(803) 874-3071

St MatthewsJohn Ford Middle(803) 655-7222

St StephenSt Stephen Middle(843) 567-3128

St. GeorgeSt. George Middle School(843) 563-3171

St. StephenTimberland High School(843) 567-2817

StarrStarr Iva Middle School(864) 352-6146

SummertonScott`S Branch Intermediate(803) 485-2043

SummertonScotts Branch High(803) 485-8184

SummervilleAlston Middle School(843) 873-3890

SummervilleCharles B Dubose Middle(843) 875-7012

SummervilleGregg Middle School(843) 871-3150

SummervilleRollings Middle School(843) 873-3610

SummervilleSangaree Intermediate(843) 871-3104

SummervilleSummerville High School(843) 873-6460

SumterAlice Drive Middle School(803) 775-0821

SumterBates Middle School(803) 775-0711

SumterChestnut Oak Middle(803) 436-0059

SumterCrestwood High School(803) 469-6200

SumterEbenezer Middle School(803) 469-8572

SumterFurman Middle School(803) 481-8510

SumterHigh Hills Elementary(803) 499-3327

SumterLakewood High School(803) 506-2704

SumterMayewood Middle School(864) 459-8014

SumterSumter County Career Center(803) 481-8575

SumterSumter High School(803) 481-4480

SwanseaSandhills Intermediate(803) 568-1250

SwanseaSwansea High School(803) 568-3881

TaylorsEastside High School(864) 292-7715

TaylorsFoothills Vocational Center(864) 292-7675

TaylorsNorthwood Middle School(864) 292-7640

TimmonsvilleJohnson Middle School(843) 346-4041

TimmonsvilleTimmonsville High School(843) 346-4046

Travelers RestNorthwest Middle School(864) 834-6434

Travelers RestTravelers Rest High(864) 834-6464

TrentonTrenton Correctional Institute(803) 896-3044

TurbevilleEast Clarendon High School(843) 659-2185

TurbevilleEast Clarendon Middle School(843) 659-2187

TurbevilleTurbeville Correctional Center(803) 896-3178

UnionExcelsior Middle School(864) 429-1725

UnionSims Jr High School(864) 429-1755

UnionUnion Comprehensive High(864) 429-1750

VarnvilleNorth District Middle School(803) 943-3507

VarnvilleWade Hampton High School(803) 943-3568

W. ColumbiaWhite Knoll Middle School(803) 957-4400

WagenerA L Corbett Middle School(803) 564-5586

WagenerWagener-Salley High School(803) 564-5276

WalhallaWalhalla Middle School(864) 638-4575

WalhallaWalhalla Senior High School(864) 638-4582

WalterboroColleton County High School(843) 538-2904 T W

WalterboroColleton Middle School(843) 549-2690 W

WalterboroForest Circle Middle School(843) 549-5061 W

WalterboroThunderbolt Career & Tech(843) 538-5538

Ware ShoalsWare Shoals Elementary(864) 456-2711

Ware ShoalsWare Shoals High(864) 456-7923

West ColumbiaAirport High School(803) 822-5600

West ColumbiaNorthside Middle(803) 739-4190

West ColumbiaPine Ridge Middle School(803) 755-7400

West ColumbiaR H Fulmer Middle School(803) 822-5660

WestminsterOakway Middle School(864) 972-9531

WestminsterWestminster Middle(864) 647-3050

WestminsterWest-Oak Sr High(864) 647-3065

WhitmireWhitmire High School(803) 694-3400

WilliamstonAnderson 1 & 2 Avc(864) 847-4121

WilliamstonPalmetto High(864) 847-7311

WilliamstonPalmetto Middle School(864) 847-4333

WillistonWilliston Elko High School(803) 266-3110

WillistonWilliston-Elko Middle School(803) 266-3476

WinnsboroFairfield Career & Tec Ctr.(803) 635-5506

WinnsboroFairfield Central High School(803) 635-1441

WinnsboroFairfield Intermediate(803) 635-4810

WinnsboroFairfield Middle School(803) 635-5121

WoodruffWoodruff High School(864) 476-7045

WoodruffWoodruff Middle School(864) 476-3150

Yonges IslandBaptist Hill High School(843) 889-2276

Yonges IslandR D Schroder Middle School(843) 889-2391

YorkFloyd D Johnson Tec Cen(803) 684-1910

YorkH C Johnson Middle(803) 684-2311

YorkYork Comprehensive High School(803) 684-2336

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